I spent this weekend on a metaphorical island listening to the imaginary surf lapping along the fantastical shore, watching the sun rise and planning my made-up future.
No I haven’t gone bonkers I was on a course run by the irrepressible Jack Black. I think they call him a motivational guru.
Essentially it was all about using all the bits of your brain – creative and methodical – being receptive to ideas and taking control of things. Not rocket science although for some in the audience it was an intense and transforming experience.
What has surprised me is my own reluctance to blog about it. Maybe everyone people would react with that tight smile and almost imperceptible stepping back which accompany the thought: “She’s desperate and now she’s obsessed. Please Lord, don’t make her try to convert me.”
Fear not. I won’t.
But I do wonder what makes us all so resistant to something that blatantly works for so many people. Perhaps the reason is that everyone (except me, and things are still pretty good for me) has a perfect life with all their goals attained and ambitions met. No?