Things I’ve learned from my children
The coldness of snow never ceases to surprise. Shortly after this picture was taken, Boy Two complained he was cold and wet. No?
School fayres are economic genius. I just paid £2 for my own wooden spoon which has painted brown and disguised as a reindeer.
You can take good manners too far. Boy Three has learned “bye” which he says to every scrap of food before he dispatches it off his high chair tray.
Miracles can happen. Housework half hour is catching on. Tonight Boys One, Two and I tidied up, put away laundry, hoovered the stairs, cleaned two bathrooms and watered the plants. Result. Boy One even allowed the half-hour to overrun as he was so into getting the taps shiny.
Debbie says
Well done on the housework half-hour. Those boys will be an asset to their partners (and a credit to their mum) in later life.
And I'm giggling at the cold and wet one. Maybe you could find him some lovely warm, dry snow xxx
Ellen Arnison says
I'm trying to impress on them that there is something very attractive about a man who can drive a Hoover and operate a damp cloth.
Jo says
Get this! One ofmy friends had to pay a tenner for two pieces of 'art' from her four year old at the Christmas fayre. Bloody London for you!