I presume it appeared when bottle on doorstep, not in fridge! Although through this lengthy wetness we've enjoyed for a few months now, I have actually had slug trails across my sitting room carpet on a couple of occasions. They seem to get in through/round the smallest of spaces probably from the patio door. Solution is to run a line of salt roung the edge of the carpet! Mxx
Anonymous says
I presume it appeared when bottle on doorstep, not in fridge! Although through this lengthy wetness we've enjoyed for a few months now, I have actually had slug trails across my sitting room carpet on a couple of occasions. They seem to get in through/round the smallest of spaces probably from the patio door. Solution is to run a line of salt roung the edge of the carpet! Mxx
Ellen Arnison says
Yes it was a bonus with the milk! Not in the fridge, my fridge might be bad, but I don't think there's anything actually living in there.
mummyoftwo2 says
Yuk! Hate slugs! Hope it didn't put you off your milk!!