What has the solitary and sanitary act of blogging got to do with the intimate, messy business of sex?
One you do by yourself in front of a computer and the other is an online diary. *Groan*
Heavy-handed metaphor by banoootah_qtr via Flickr |
But actually the similarity exists and it’s to do with the affect a good blog has on your brain. Your grey matter responds the same to positive social media reactions as it does to an orgasm or love.
Which, of course, got me thinking. Sex v blogging. Blogging v sex. There’s only one way to find out….
Without Harry Hill on hand, you’ll have to take my word for it. Here are five ways blogging is better than sex:
If you’ve got a circle of friends that you made through sex, the chances are you have, erm, specialist tastes and a high tolerance to risk. That’s not the case with blogging – or most blogs anyway. It’s a great – and socially acceptable – way of making friends. One you can tell your mum about. It might be vanilla, but there’s nothing wrong with that.
Blogging always makes you feel better. If you say that about sex, then you’re in the minority for whom the shoe the handsome prince was wandering about with was made. For everyone else, mostly, it’s great but sometimes, it’s rubbish. Blogging, on the other hand…
There’s nothing much safer than blogging. You don’t even need to expose yourself to the risks associated with getting off the sofa and visiting the biscuit tin, if you don’t want to.
Blogging lets you share whatever you want with whoever you fancy, whereas sex… well let’s just say that sharing isn’t always a good thing.
You never know where blogging is going to take you. There may be invitations, gifts, meetings and lots of wonderful experiences. It’s the other way round for sex. There’s often the hope that invitations, free things, meetings and wonderful experiences will take you to sex… or at least for some people.
And I can honestly say no one has given me a vacuum cleaner for my sex life and I’m certain that if they did I’d be considerably less pleased than when I got one to blog about.
Susan Mann says
lol love it. You do get so much satisfaction from blogging 😉 x
MumB says
Excellent. Have to say it instantly reminded me of your blog reports when measurements were taken of your hot spots and energy leakages and suggestions made to improve performance, although that was your whole house not you personally! Thanks for making me smile.
Older Mum says
Brilliant…. loved this! …… and you can't have sex in coffee shops either! X
Ellen Arnison says
Me too. It's hard to beat.
Ellen Arnison says
Oh yes!
Ellen Arnison says
You're welcome – I'm off to find some hot spots.
Ellen Arnison says
Or not more than once in the same one…