Restless. Pacing. Rest less.
Rest more.
What’s on telly?
Nothing. Everything. What do you want?
A solution. The answer. The question. Who knows?
Hungry. Empty. I can’t get no… what?
Check the Internet.
Scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. Rawhide. And seek.
But where?
I don’t know what to do. Right now. With myself.
Specifically. Much.
A list. To-do or not to do. Ha!
Sitting. Standing. Tiptoes. Heels.
Itch, scratch. Yawn. Yawning void. Avoid the yawn.
Up, down. But I’m tired, how can this be? Huh?
There’s a book to read. In fact, there are hundreds. Up there.
Annoying lines of spines, and words. And dust. Pah.
Concentration flies. Through the glass, people pass. Dogs, joggers.
Doing a lap. With a dog. A lap dog?
So. Maybe a run will do it. Exercise for endorphins, or something.
Or nothing. Sigh. My trainers are up stairs.
And, in any case, it’s raining.
Pass me the remote…