Somedays it feels like just existing is a never-ending battle. Being a woman is tough! And this isn’t about hating on men at all – they have their own battles to contend with. It’s just accepting the fact that sometimes, people face difficult decisions. There is work, childcare, older-parent-care, food intolerances, weight issues…brain issues. There is just so much to think about! In the fast-moving digital world we live in, it can be hard not just to give up and hide away with a hot cup of cocoa and a good book. As a woman, it can sometimes feel like your life is being constantly scrutinised and judged. If you didn’t go to the gym when you said you would, you might feel like you have to make up for it the next day by eating much less. Peer-pressure appears to be ever present. While it was once high-fashion magazines that influence how a woman looked. Now it is mostly the internet and Instagram. And we are all addicted to our phones! This means we are looking at so-called perfect images almost 24/7. It’s important for you to get perspective and not get too influenced by something that isn’t even real. They say that comparison is the thief of joy…and it’s true! If you compare yourself to other, you might only focus on what you haven’t got in your life.
Make the most of your choices with these tips and hints:
- Don’t let fear get you
It is of course totally natural to feel fear in some scary situations. If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant – you could well be terrified! You might be prepping for the biggest job interview of your life. You might even be texting that cute guy for the first time. Whatever you are doing, there may be an element of fear involved. It’s important that you face this fear head on and push through it. So many people go through life too afraid of rejection to take any real risks. If you’ve always dreamed of being an artist of a writer, now is the time to get your work out there! You will probably be rejected 100 times before someone sees your true potential. As long as you accept this, you can take on with the feedback you’re given and move forward with things. It’s better to regret the things you’ve tried, than the things you never did.
- Control your own body
Don’t let anyone in your life tell you what to do with your body. Of course, those around you that love you are going to want to help you when you are making body decisions but ultimately, the choice is yours. If you want to work out at 5.30am every day – do it. People will only ever make you feel bad about that because they are jealous of your determination. If you want to enjoy a stress-free, romantic getaway and delay your period with norethisteronem that is 100% up to you. It doesn’t matter what you want to do with it; your body is yours to play with. Peer-pressure is an incredibly strong thing, and it can be hard to ignore. As long as you are proud of yourself and happy in your skin, you have absolutely nothing at all to hide. Show yourself off and walk with your head held high!
- Believe in yourself
This is so important. If you don’t believe in your vision, how will anyone else believe in you? You are probably going to have doubts, and you are probably going to think that you’ve made the wrong decisions. It’s worth remembering, though, that most things do happen for a reason. If you have a career dream for example and you keep getting knock-backs, it’s tempting to give up. You must never give up! Don’t live with those dreaded regrets. At times you may feel like you just can’t go on and anxiety may get the better of you. If this happens, surround yourself with people that you know love you. Unconditional love is a blessing, and it will warm your soul and help you believe again. If you’re struggling, take a day to recuperate and restore your faith. You might want to visit an art gallery or go to the cinema on your own. Doing something on your own will actually potentially push your mind to a meditative state. Being on your own will often give you the clarity that you so crave. Just do whatever makes you feel good about you.