For many of us, the idea of falling asleep in a timely manner and staying asleep is but a dream. Late night shifts, jet lag, and good old insomnia has left many people with only a fraction of the amount of sleep they need, learn more from this sleep consultant certification courses. But no matter how difficult you find it, there ways to improve your chances of a restful night.
The biggest reason for many sleepless nights is bad habits, or rather, a lack of education on the good habits necessary for healthy sleep. These habits are aptly referred to by researchers as sleep hygiene. You won’t find any magical pills or potions here, just simple, achievable methods and habits that anyone can follow.
No Light
Think about it: even bats know to hide in the darkness of caves when sleeping during the day. This is because light is one of the biggest indicators for our brain that it’s time to stay awake. Ensure that you have blackout curtains that prevent light from leaking in.
There shouldn’t be any other lights on in your room, either. Scented candles may smell nice, but they’re more of a fire hazard than anything else. If you can’t block out all the lights in your bedroom, consider a simple sleeping mask. Even a DIY piece of fabric over your eyes should do.
Maximum Comfort
A good pillow is one of the best investments you can make. There’s no one size fits all solution here, really. Whether its memory foam, suede covers or dodo feathers, as long as your head is comfortable and cool, it’ll do. Ensure that you have a fresh, comfortable mattress that’s neither too hard or so soft that you sink in and get hot.
Speaking of heat, the less of it there is in your room, the better. Generally, you want your room to be about 60 to 75 degrees. You can even go cooler if you prefer thicker blankets.
Minimum Distractions
Yes, we all love our pets, but if they’re keeping you up at night, perhaps it would be better to make their sleeping area outside of your bedroom. Turn off any radio, televisions, or computers. Some people don’t mind the ticking of physical clocks whereas others find it unbearable. If you’re on the latter team, take the batteries out or put them elsewhere in the house.
If your significant other snores, consider investing in an anti-snoring device. You can read the reviews here to see what other restless sleepers think, to decide whether it’ll work for your partner. If there are other sounds over which you have no control, pick up a pair of earplugs or white noise devices. You could always talk to your partner about getting some nasal strips, and check out a site like together to choose the best option to help them breathe a little easier during the night and, hopefully, help you get some sleep too.
Only Sleep If You’re Truly Tired
Many people are simply not even tired, which ultimately leads to more frustration. If after 20 minutes you’re still staring at the ceiling, turn on some music or read a book until you’re drowsy enough to have another go.
With enough focus on eliminating the causes of your restlessness and sticking to good habits that ensure healthy sleep, you can enjoy a solid seven to eight hours of sleep every day. It’s as simple as finding the cause and addressing it the right way.