Written three years ago and – whoosh – that time has gone in a flash.
How many years did you spend watching the clock? Tick tock.
Waiting for school to finish… today, this week, forever. When I’m older I can… drive, stay out all night, eat as much chocolate as I like, all at once, if I want. Dye my hair blue, ride a motorbike.
But the hands went round so slowly. Waiting for the bell, the birthday, the phone call.
Patience was in short supply. It was little girl with a dirty face, even, they said.
Tick tock.
Biding your time is just so boring. Like an eternity of eating crusts to earn a sliver of jam, swallowed so fast you don’t know if it’s raspberry or apricot.
One day you’ll be old enough, big enough, ready, even. Until then. Hold your horses, steady on. Sigh. Make plans, be good.
Waiting and hoping. Like the slow, clunking haul up the first mountain on the roller-coaster, anticipating the delicious thrilling swoop.
But then what? One tinglingly plummet and twist and, before you know it, you can see the final barrier hurtling towards you. Yes, that’s it.
Once patience was a little girl, who wouldn’t wash her face. Tick tock.
Then the ticking stops and it’s all swoosh and hurtle. The dirty faces are now on children – your children – and it’s only minutes since you washed their faces, and told them to be patient. Wait quietly. Christmas was coming. Eventually.
But it’s faster now and faster and faster. Christmas came and went. And another one.
I’ve always hated roller-coasters. Tricky cheating things. Let’s see if there’s time for a few more goes on the merry-go-round before the fairground gates shut.