Yesterday, I was all ‘get me off the sofa, I need some structure in my life’. Today, I went back to the office for a day. For the longest, slowest day in the history of days. How I wished I was back there on the sofa even with the existential angst…
Therefore, to avoid another whinge binge, I’m going to tell you all the things I’m grateful for:
I’m grateful for a choice of sofas and enough food to eat myself into a chocolate coma. Lots of people don’t have the luxury. I’m also grateful for elasticated waists.
I’m grateful that my children want to be around me for more than the time it takes to play a game of Risk. (This is a very long time – longer, it seems, than it would take to gestate a baby elephant. And far longer than actual global domination.) Many families have fractures so bad they can’t last more than a few minutes together.
I’m grateful for a job that – while going into the office today was a bit of a chore – is still a reasonably pleasant way of earning a living.
I’m grateful that my husband still makes me laugh. He had threatened to eat my pyjamas (long story, won’t make any sense) and he sent me the video evidence which cheered up a dull day.
After a lunchtime walk around the shops to test my requirement for retail therapy, I’m grateful that there’s nothing that I need or want.
I’m also grateful that I have a comfortable, safe home. I try to have a pocket full of change to give to homeless people but, these days, I find there are so many my pocket empties much earlier on the walk.
I’m grateful for opportunities and plans and hope. Another luxury.
I’m grateful that the trains were on time and that I remembered that my season ticket had expired before I went to fight with the barrier.
Once I got home (in comfort, grateful for a quiet commute) I was grateful that the Panther had been in today and made pasties from the leftovers. (Also that there’s enough food for leftovers).
Then I was grateful for a dry, moonlit evening for a nighttime stroll.
And now I’m grateful for only two days’ work this week, that it’s Friday and that I’m now off for week!
So, if you catch me whining, remind me of this post.