When you are looking at the labels on the back of skin products, you often see hydration and moisturization listed as two different things, but aren’t they the same? Actually, they’re not the same because one refers to dry skin while the other refers to dehydrated skin.
Although both of these things seem very similar, there are some important differences and the way that you treat dry skin is different from the way that you treat dehydrated skin. The problem is, people don’t know the difference and they treat them as if they are the same thing, which means that they make mistakes with their skin care routine. It might be the case that even when you’ve investigated whether your skin is dry or dehydrated and you’re still not happy with how it is looking. Recent years have seen something of a revolution in the options for actions you can take to improve your skin and discussions with experts at Botox London Professional Aesthetics (or elsewhere) can reveal solutions you didn’t know you had. So how can you tell if your skin is dry or dehydrated?
Dry Skin
Dry skin is a skin type, just like oily skin, and it doesn’t have anything to do with the amount of water in your skin. A lot of people suffer from dry skin and you may notice white flakes, redness and irritation on different areas of the body. You should check it out if you are suffering from skin problems like rosacea or hyperpigmentation.
If you have dry skin, you also have an increased risk of skin conditions, like psoriasis or eczema. If this is the case, you need to use a product like C+ Eczema Cream to treat it, rather than using a standard moisturizer. However, if you do not have an advanced dry skin condition, you can use standard, off-the-shelf skin products. When choosing products, it’s important that you look for oil based ingredients, like coconut oil, shea butter or lanolin. If you only use hydrating products without increasing the level of oil in your skin, you may end up making the problem worse.
People with dry skin may also benefit from skin resurfacing treatments, like scrubs, which take off the top layer of dead skin and allow new, healthy skin to grow in its place.
Dehydrated Skin
Dehydrated skin is not a skin type, it is a skin issue caused by lack of moisture in the skin. Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, or combination skin, you can still suffer from dehydrated skin and it’s possible to have dry and dehydrated skin at the same time. If your skin is dehydrated, it often looks very dull and you are more likely to notice premature signs of aging, like wrinkles and fine lines. This is because the lack of water causes skin to lose its elasticity. People with dehydrated skin also develop bags under their eyes and may experience itchiness.
The easiest way to tell whether your skin is dehydrated is to do a pinch test. Pinch a small amount of skin and then see how long it takes to bounce back to its normal state. If it is well hydrated and elastic, it will bounce back right away. But if your skin is dehydrated, it will take a few seconds to go back to normal.
If you have dehydrated skin, you need to use ingredients that hydrate before using a moisturizer to lock the moisture in. Look for ingredients like lactic and citric acid, glycerin, honey, and aloe.
It’s important that you know whether your skin is dehydrated, dry, or both if you want to get your skin routine right and improve the overall appearance of your skin. If you have other skin problems, immediately visit an expert for the right diagnosis and treatment like melanoma cancer treatment if you are suffering from a melanoma cancer.