A motivated child is a dream to teach; there’s nothing so exciting to a parent or teacher than a child who is keen to learn and excited to face new challenges. However not all children are this way inclined. Some might enjoy classroom-based learning but struggle to motivate themselves at home.
Others might find the hustle and bustle of the classroom to be wearying but enjoy the calm of home-based learning.
The trick to motivating children of all ages is excitement. If a child is excited by what they are learning, then they will almost always fully engage with the lesson or opportunity.
Find out what excites your child
You probably have a good idea of what your child loves to do or to learn about already. For example, if your child is into coding, you can can recommend them the best apps to learn coding.
Perhaps they have a particular passion for art or animals? Maybe they’re excited by tech or sports – whatever it is, that is your key to motivating your child.
Success brings confidence
Whatever it is that they are already excited about, try to give them as many opportunities in that area as possible. Because the passion is already there, your child will experience success in their endeavours. This success will help them to grow in confidence around other areas of learning.
The artistic child who wins a contest for their painting will naturally feel a sense of pride and you may begin to see growth in other areas of learning as a result.
A special study area is essential
It doesn’t need to be a private office – of course not all homes have enough space for that. A private study area can simply be a desk in a corner of their room and a PC or laptop to work on. Ensure their chair is comfortable and that they have enough light also.
Your child’s motivation will grow as they see that you are pleased by their efforts. As this prep school in the South West believes, all children need consistent encouragement to succeed.