I did give a moment’s thought to summing up the past three years in terms of their huge events – of which there are many. Then I thought “nah, we’ve had enough of all the funerals, weddings, jobs, pregnancies and so on. Time for a little levity”. So I decided to share some little-known facts […]
Songs for a bloggy birthday
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear blo-og, happy birthday to you. My blog is very nearly three years old. Since April 2007 it has grown from a feeble, unformed babe in arms to a stroppy toddler who knows perfectly well how to get into the biscuit tin by herself and […]
Putting the mouse down
Why have sex when you can blog?
Apparently social media has overtaken porn as the number one activity on the internet. It’s one of those frequently quoted facts that you can’t actually find the original source for. Or at least I couldn’t, and how would they know anyway?But there are bright bloggers beavering away all over the place on all manner of […]
Click management
Remember when click-click used to be the sound of knitting needles? No. Me neither. I’ve always hated that kind of thing, never had the patience for it. Nonetheless, the latest clicking chorus is a fairly new feature only really heard in the last decade or so. But it’s getting louder and I’m not sure how […]