Talking posh If you’ve ever cast off and set sail, you will not be taken aback to learn it’s above board to claim a landlubber’s language is chock-a-block with gifts from an old salt. You can tell from cut of this tar’s jib that he needs a wide berth and won’t toe the line. A […]
Unboxing – 100 words
Unboxing A toy, a gadget or a gizmo is often unwrapped and every entirely predictable moment of removing the expensive trinket from its unnecessary packaging is oohed ahhed – and even filmed – until you find in your hand a naked electronic device and not the joy you were seeking. I want an unboxing revolution: […]
Lovely, thanks for asking – 100 words
Once girl – 100 words
Mad dogs – 100 words
Mad dogs We heeded and now wouldn’t dream of giving the SPF a miss ‘Do my back’ Then flat out, limbs strategically arranged for even UV and welcome the warmth seeping through protective epidermis into bone marrow and weighing it down which is odd as we think golden skin somehow looks slimmer but hot heaviness […]
Beads of joy – 100 words
Beads of joy When you died it was hard to see anything for the tears – not growing up, nor adventures. Only a bleak road ahead: Diminished, downcast. Without you in it and full of hard rocks and other painful surprises. I didn’t notice when it happened, but now, over my shoulder there are glints: […]
Don’t call me light red – 100 words
Don’t call me light red Passionate pink is sexy – Valentine’s hearts and ribbons Bubblegum, barbie, cotton candy, Squashums Pink for a girl Pink when the inside shows outside – the lips, the mouth, the eyes Watermelon, coral, flamingo Flamenco Pink is suggestive, makes them wink In the pink: never felt better White women’s pink […]