Day One You have arrived, inevitable as hunger. A stranger with a suitcase of mysteries, neatly folded. But we aren’t friends. Yet… Does it matter if my welcome is cool? Or my star-lit arms opened with fanfare? Will you execute a plan, detailed and deliberate, or will cruel whimsy buffet me? Must I barter with […]
Resolution – 100 words
New year: new you. What’s wrong with the old me, the current me? The me that hurt, and worked on it, and fell apart. Put back together. Kept going. Achieved the things that, with your try-harder, get-better whip cracking, you want me to leave behind. In the old year, like the broken bauble and the […]
Quitters’ charter – 100 words
Year’s end – 100 words
Dispatches from the bunker… just after the famous football game where you think it might turn out fine in the end
Well, happy new-year-new-you one and all. It’s still peachy here. You know why, don’t you? It’s because we’ve just been off for a few days of ‘sod it, it’s Christmas’ and the cold hard realities are just mustering themselves ready to pounce. So to celebrate the fact that true hostilities haven’t yet resumed, it’s time […]